Covid Cronies

Covid-19 has been a tragedy on a massive scale. Sadly, a small number of human leeches have sought to profiteer from this tragedy and there are also some people “in power” in the UK who appear to have engaged in awarding lucrative contracts to their favoured leeches (aka the Covid Cronies). I wrote this song as an expression of my disgust at these people, but also in praise of journalists who have highlighted the rot at the top. A few clippings from national newspapers feature in the song’s accompanying video, but my biggest praise is reserved for the highest standard of investigative journalism as typified in “Private Eye”, so grab a copy when you feel in need of non-fake news. The song was written and recorded at home with Celtic harp, classical guitar, whistle, voice and an audio clip of a hospital ventilator. Stay safe and I’ll see you on the other side.