Musrum Meditation – A Cynical Celebration of Man’s Global Piracy

The motivation for writing “Musrum Meditation” came from my good friend, the artist and photographer Alan Tomlinson when he sent me a battered copy of the book “Musrum” written by Eric Thacker and published in 1968. Alan asked me to reflect on what I remembered from the late 1960’s when the spirit of love and peace was going to bring about a new Utopia. As I considered his question, I experienced a growing sense of guilt because rather than helping create a new Utopia, through my lack of action I have been one of the “baby boomers” who helped exploit the world’s resources, inflict a choke hold on Mother Earth and steal the chance of a stable future for our children and grandchildren. On accepting my guilt, I wrote “Musrum Meditation” as a cynical, celebratory anthem in an effort to hold up a mirror to all those who still celebrate the ill-gotten gains of their global piracy. I recorded the song at home, with multi-tracked Celtic harp, bansitar, hammered dulcimer, assorted percussion, voice and a giant ceramic udu made for me by our lovely, talented daughter Lucy Aird ( The artwork is by the equally lovely and talented Alan Tomlinson and the quotes are all from “Musrum”. Hum Phat Svaha