Scarborough Fair is a dark, ancient ballad dated circa 1300 which was much degraded by Simon and Garfunkel’s ridiculously romantic recording of 1966/68. The original ballad is a sinister tale about an Elfin Prince/Demon Lover whose speciality is the seduction and subsequent abandoning of naïve young women – hence the series of impossible tasks set by the Elfin Prince as he torments one of his past victims. Because of the supernatural element of this ballad I have sought to apply the (Phil) Spectre (pun intended) wall of sound treatment consisting of multi-tracked Koto/Tanpura/Monochord; Tagelharpa Bastarda; Bansitar; Low Whistle; Ritual Frame Drum; Mandolin; Tenor Guitar; and Voice. Nb. The tagelharpa and frame drum were both made by the talented Camilla Margherita Ferrari in Italy and the bansitar by Helmut Rheingan in the UK.